Confocal imaging of neuronal process outgrowth in C. elegans embryos (Pavak Shah)

Colloquium: Shah on the process of “booting up” brains

Dr. Shah (Shah Lab website)

This week’s seminar in the Biology Colloquium series will be given by Pavak Shah, an Assistant Professor in the Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Department and Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences at UCLA. Dr. Shah studies the early development of neuronal circuits — essentially, the assembly and start-up of a brain — in the Caenorhabditis elegans model. His talk will be titled "Reverse engineering neural development in C. elegans".

Because CSUN has suspended large in-person meetings to help slow the transmission of the novel coronavirus, this week’s Colloquium will be presented by videoconference on the Zoom service. You can watch the presentation starting at the usual time for colloquium seminars, Friday at 2pm, via this meeting link: (A password sent to Biology Department email lists is required. Following the link may prompt the installation of the Zoom app in order to display video.)

Image: Confocal imaging of neuronal process outgrowth in C. elegans embryos (Pavak Shah)