Applications to present research results in the 2022 Virtual CSUNposium come due next week, by noon on Tuesday Feb 1.
The CSUNposium is a campus-wide showcase for research and creative work by CSUN students at all levels. Presenters can apply to give three- or ten-minute talks about their work, or a poster presentation. Biology graduate and undergraduate researchers have been well represented in the past, and multiple Biology presentations have won CSUNposium awards.
The 2022 CSUNposium will be on Friday, April 1. As in 2020 and 2021, the event will be fully virtual, with multiple types of presentation conducted over Zoom. Projects presented at CSUNposium need not be complete — there is a category specifically for works-in-progress. Applications require a 1,000-character (approximately 150-word) abstract describing the work to be presented, submitted via the CSUNposium event page. Applicants selected to present will be notified by the end of February.