Colloquium: Fouke on the interface between living and mineral systems

Dr. Fouke (UIUC website)

The Spring 2024 Biology Colloquium Series returns this Friday with a seminar by Bruce Fouke, the Ralph E Grim Professor in Earth Science and Environmental Change at the Univeristy of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Fouke studies interactions of living and geological systems, including geochemistry and subsurface microbiology, microbial evolution, coral skeleton synthesis, and even kidney stone formation. His talk, supported by the Distinguished Visiting Speaker program, will be titled, “3.8 Billion years of Biomineralization” — and he will be giving away 50 signed copies of his book The Art of Yellowstone Science — Mammoth Hot Springs as a Window on the Universe to the first-arriving attendees.

Colloquium series seminars are held Fridays at 2pm in Chaparral Hall room 5122. Dr. Fouke will be available after the seminar to meet with students during a “Meet the Speaker” reception, with light refreshments, in Chaparral Hall 5201.