Colloquium: Abdelsayed, Escorcia, and Ritson-Williams introduce their research plans for CSUN Biology

The Fall 2024 Biology Colloquium Series continues Friday with a seminar featuring three short talks by newly-arrived faculty, introducing themselves and their research interests to the department.

Michael Abdelsayed will present “Discovery and characterization of functional RNAs”

Wilber Escorcia will present “DNA and lipid instability in aging: Is cancer the molecular intersection hub?”

Raphael Ritson-Williams will present “Characterizing California algal diversity”

Colloquium series seminars are held Fridays at 2pm in Chaparral Hall room 5122. All three speakers will be available after the seminar to meet with students during a “Meet the Speaker” reception, with light refreshments, in Chaparral Hall 5201.